Helen Hayes (1900-1993), american stage and film actor
be a high flyer read a book!! when you are thinking about buying books think seriously about supporting your local independent bookseller!!
in the cleveland area we still have a few independent bookstores. high on my list is the crooked river reading club the only independent bookshop in downtown cleveland. the proprietor gail is a very knowledgeable, friendly, and community oriented bookseller. I always enjoy chatting with her and always walk away with feeling happier and feeling as if I've learned something that will enhance my life! gail is most happy to help you find just the right book and will happily place a special order when she doesn't have the book you desire in stock. although I'm trying hard to use the library instead of buying books for my own reading pleasure, when I give gifts, I still prefer to give a book - when you give a book you give someone the gift of flight!