each day of the year has two pages (and I'm talking big pages for it's a big book) devoted to the secrets that lie in store in understanding what it 'means' to be born on a certain day.
each day has it's own personal 'theme' for instance I was born on a day with the theme of 'the day of controlled movement,' the book also provides a list of famous (and infamous) people who were also born on your day - my birthday twins include the likes of: herber marcuse, etienne-marcel decroux, edgar degas, george mcgovern, lizzie borden, samuel colt, natalya bessmertnova, illie nastase, and evio!
there are special health considerations for people who are 'born on that day' - my health advice states that people born on my birthday "should take special care of their arms and legs...." kind of freaky considering the third paragraph of this.
there's also some very good advice. my special advice is: "Though you must bring your emotions under control, never lose your spontaneity and insist on freedom for yourself. Don't worry about appearing niave; be more forthright. Beware of putting others on a pedestal or investing them with your own emotions." wow, more freaky-ness!
but my favorite is my personal (well my and everyone that shares the day) meditation:
Most of what we need is quite close at hand.
I'll share this meditation with all of you, if you'd like!
what's my special advice?
(for 4/3 ) This book is unfamiliar to me, but a family member had a big book with a similar theme...
Dennis and Merle Sneed are both March 31
I love this book!
I completely forgot about it, but I would pour over it at the library in my college town.
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